The official opening of the Growth Hub at UII followed in short succession. UII has integrated the Growth Hub into its formal organisational structure since August 2018 (see figure below). The unit is called “Simpul Tumbuh” (an Indonesian poetic translation of “Growth Hub”) under the management of the Directorate of Entrepreneurial Development which is headed up by the newly appointed Vice Rector for Partnership and Entrepreneurship and GITA Steering Committee member Wing Raharjo. This unit is now responsible for managing the entrepreneurial network of Universitas Islam Indonesia. Currently, Simpul Tumbuh is reviewing the existing network plan to be integrated with the ongoing activities of IBISMA (Inkubasi Bisnis dan Inovasi Bersama – Collective Innovation and Business Incubation Unit), which is a division within the Simpul Tumbuh that mostly focuses its activities on managing business start-ups. The Growth Hub is managed by Director Arif Wismadi, who is also a member of the GITA Consortium.

The Growth Hub Opening Ceremony at Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta
Governance structure of the newly created Growth Hub Simpul Tumbuh at Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta