The 4th project meeting took the GITA Consortium to Innsbruck to kick off the project stream business incubation and enterprise creation, led by the University of Innsbruck. Following a presentation by Professor Johann Fuller of the University’s InnCubator providing start-up support to SMEs in the Alpine region, partners had the opportunity to listen to student presentations about their start-up businesses. This was followed by a workshop led by Professor Neil Towers on embedding entrepreneurial learning outcomes into University curricula and how this framework can be customised to suit the different disciplines represented within the Consortium, ranging from business management to pharmacy and architecture. FHM led an introductory workshop on the development of university-enterprise collaboration networks.

Presentation by Professor Johann Fuller on business incubation and the entrepreneurial university
Workshop on the embedding of entrepreneurial learning outcomes into curricula led by Professor Neil Towers
Partners presenting their actions plans for developing university-business collaboration to work package lead FHM