Following the first round of partner visits in summer 2019, GITA Project Lead Professor Neil Towers has travelled across Java in December to deliver a series of workshops to senior management teams, department heads, programme managers and lecturing staff on how to embed entrepreneurial capacity building into university structures and curricula.

The earlier partner visits have highlighted specific training needs at various institutional levels to ensure the effective embedding of the Triangular Approach into university structures and organisational cultures. For example, there is a need for an ongoing dialogue between university senior management and those implementing the deliverables of the GITA project to identify and resolve possible constraints in relation to financing, resourcing, curriculum development and internal and external lobbying.

Following on from previous public panel debates in April and June (see earlier posts), Professor Towers also visited the Deputy Minister of MORTHE, Professor Ismunandar, on the 13th December to discuss future opportunities for disseminating the GITA framework more widely across Indonesia and for it to inform policy making. He used this opportunity to share case studies of start-up entrepreneurs who have benefited from the support of the newly established Growth Hubs.

With the Senior Management and SetSail BizAccel Team at President University Jakarta
Professor Neil Towers with the Rector of UNNES, Semarang, earlier in June 2019.